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A javascript library to generate 3D mesh from a 2D outer path and 2D inner paths.


Please visit the demo here


First you need to include holesIn library into your html code:

<script src="./holes-in.min.js"></script>

1 Define your shape and holes

Holes and depth are represented by the same structure: a path and a depth. The depth of the out path represents the height of the final mesh.

A hole with a 0 depth will be dug throughout the mesh.

const out= { path: [ { X: 10, Y: 10 }, { X: 110, Y: 10 }, { X: 110, Y: 110 }, { X: 10, Y: 110 } ], depth: 100 };
const holes= [ { path: [{ X: 50, Y: 50 }, { X: 50, Y: 100 }, { X: 100, Y: 100 }, { X: 100, Y: 50 } ], depth: 0 } ];
HolesIn accept both points with upper or lowercase coordinates: { X: 0, Y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }. ### 2 Choose your options You can choose to build all the mesh or only a part of it. Please check-out the DEMO for more details.
const options= { inMesh: true, outMesh: true, frontMesh: true, backMesh: true, horizontalMesh: true, doNotInvertFrontNormal: false, invertBackNormal: false };

3 Generate your mesh

const geom= holesIn.getGeometry(outerShape, holes, options);

4 Merge it

If you want to merge the meshes into a single one, nothing is simpler:

const mergedMesh= holesIn.mergeMeshes([geom.frontMesh, geom.backMesh, geom.inMesh, geom.outMesh]);

5 Display it in BABYLON js

const mesh= new BABYLON.Mesh("DemoMesh", scene);
const vertexData = new BABYLON.VertexData();
const geom= holesIn.getGeometry(outerShape, holes, options);
const mergedGeometry= holesIn.mergeMeshes([geom.frontMesh, geom.backMesh, geom.inMesh, geom.outMesh, geom.horizontalMesh]);
vertexData.positions = mergedGeometry.points;
vertexData.indices = mergedGeometry.faces;
vertexData.normals = mergedGeometry.normals;
vertexData.applyToMesh(mesh, 1);


You can generate a link to the DEMO page by passing the debug = true option to getGeometry.


Holes-in provides two functions

  • getGeometry
  • mergeMeshes

You can test all options on the DEMO page.

getGeometry API

The avaliable options are:

  • frontMesh Boolean generates the front mesh or not
  • backMesh Boolean generates the back mesh or not
  • inMesh Boolean generates the inner mesh or not
  • outMesh Boolean generates the outer mesh or not
  • horizontalMesh Boolean generates the horizontal mesh or not
  • doNotBuild Array an array of segments that will not be build onto vertical geometries
  • mergeVerticalGeometries Boolean If false, inMesh and outMesh will contain an array of meshes, containing one element per path semgent.
  • debug Boolean If true, holes-in will console.log a link to the demo page with your parametters.
  • lengthU Number If set, uvs will be mapped in such a way that [0;1] texture will fit into [0; lengthU] (path coordinate system)
  • lengthV Number Same as lengthU, belong v axis
  • doNotInvertFrontNormal Boolean Prevent the front mesh normal to be inverted (inverted by default)
  • invertBackNormal Boolean Invert the back mesh normal (not inverted by default)