
This modules integrates the obsidian-api library to the ObsidianJS framework.

iframe-api allows to integrate an ObsidianJS application in a web page through <iframe>. It provides an integration script and an API that allows the integration page and the application to communicate via remote function calls and events. See the obsidian-api documentation for more information.

Using This Module

First add the module to your project:

npm install --save @obsidianjs/iframe-api

Then use it in your application (in your main index.js):

const obsidian = require("@obsidianjs/obsidian");
const iframeApi = require("@obsidianjs/iframe-api");

const app = obsidian("my-application");

Finally require it in modules that need it:

    name: "my-module",
    requires: ["iframe-api"],

    load(app) {
        const {iframeApi} = app.modules;
        // ...

    // ...


Module API

Here are documented the methods from obsidian-api that can be used from the iframe-api module. For more information and examples using those methods, see the obsidian-api documentation.

class IframeApi()

Iframe API

IframeApi.addApiMethod(name, callback)

Add a new method to the API. This method will be accessible to the integration page (outside of the application <iframe>).

  • name (string) – The method name.
  • callback (function) – The callback function that will be called when the integration page calls the method.
IframeApi.sendEvent(eventName, ...args)

Send an event to the integration page (outside of the application <iframe>).

  • eventName (string) – The name of the event.
  • ...args (*) – Arguments that will be passed to the callbacks that are registered to the event.


The arguments that are passed along the events must be serializable (no functions, classes, HTML elements,…).


This static method allows to access the configuration given by the integration page. This will later be integrated with the build-in config module.

Returns Object:The configuration from the integration page.