Pontoon Debian v2022.04.26 ========================== Release Details --------------- * Migration from: :doc:`./pontoon-v2022.02.09` * Built from commit: `c86e0ed7ddf9bae4d4343acec2ce16e8688851ab `_ * Tarball URL: https://github.com/wanadev/pontoon-debian/releases/download/v2022.04.26.0/pontoon_2022.04.26.0.tar.gz Migration Instructions ---------------------- There is no specific migration instruction, just follow the :doc:`./migration`. Changelog --------- * [security] Restore CSP and CSRF protection on /graphql (`#2422`_) * [security] Validate Repository URLs before they are stored into the DB (`#2446`_, `#2455`_) * [enhancement] Add support for key-value JSON (`#2322`_) * [enhancement] Add notifications for approved & rejected suggestions (`#2094`_) * [enhancement] Make distinction between Pretranslated and Fuzzy strings (`#2237`_) * [enhancement] Clarify visibility of data in the profile page (`#2488`_) * [bugfix] Avoid resetting errors & warning during editor mount (`#2251`_) * [bugfix] Update MS Terminology Request / Response according to the new API version (`#2447`_) * [bugfix] Fix project and locale insights data (`#2457`_) * [bugfix] Prevent AttributeError on Tour for AnonymousUsers (`#2467`_) * [bugfix] Fixes bug where hitting the Enter key in the numpad area now enters a newline instead of submitting the suggestion (`#2475`_) * [bugfix] Fixes a Pontoon UI crash that occure when clicking 2 strings quickly one after another (`#2474`_) * [bugfix] Delete translation memory entries of implicitly rejected translations (`#2491`_) * [ui] Correct 'unaproved' to 'unapproved' typo (`#2426`_) * [ui] Switch pretranslated/fuzzy checkbox colors (`#2473`_) * [ui] Rename Deadline to Target Date (`#2434`_) * [misc] Refactoring of the frontend and the way it is built; the Pontoon Debian build script has been updated accordingly (`#2423`_, `#2430`_, `#2432`_, `#2437`_, `#2443`_, `#2444`_, `#2450`_) * Update dependencies (`#2425`_, `#2431`_, `#2435`_, `#2472`_) .. _#2422: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2422 .. _#2446: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2446 .. _#2455: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2455 .. _#2322: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2322 .. _#2094: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2094 .. _#2237: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2237 .. _#2488: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2488 .. _#2251: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2251 .. _#2447: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2447 .. _#2457: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2457 .. _#2467: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2467 .. _#2475: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2475 .. _#2474: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2474 .. _#2491: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2491 .. _#2426: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2426 .. _#2473: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2473 .. _#2434: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2434 .. _#2423: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/issues/2423 .. _#2430: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2430 .. _#2432: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2432 .. _#2437: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2437 .. _#2443: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2443 .. _#2444: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2444 .. _#2450: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2450 .. _#2425: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2425 .. _#2431: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2431 .. _#2435: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2435 .. _#2472: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/2472