Source code for pyguetzli.guetzli

This module contains functions binded from the Guetzli C++ API.

from ._guetzli import lib, ffi

#: Default quality for outputted JPEGs

[docs] def process_jpeg_bytes(bytes_in, quality=DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY): """Generates an optimized JPEG from JPEG-encoded bytes. :param bytes_in: the input image's bytes :param quality: the output JPEG quality (default 95) :returns: Optimized JPEG bytes :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: Guetzli was not able to decode the image (the image is probably corrupted or is not a JPEG) .. code:: python import pyguetzli input_jpeg_bytes = open("./test/image.jpg", "rb").read() optimized_jpeg = pyguetzli.process_jpeg_bytes(input_jpeg_bytes) """ bytes_out_p ="char**") bytes_out_p_gc = ffi.gc(bytes_out_p, lib.guetzli_free_bytes) length = lib.guetzli_process_jpeg_bytes( bytes_in, len(bytes_in), bytes_out_p_gc, quality ) if length == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid JPEG: Guetzli was not able to decode the image") # noqa bytes_out = ffi.cast("char*", bytes_out_p_gc[0]) return ffi.unpack(bytes_out, length)
[docs] def process_rgb_bytes(bytes_in, width, height, quality=DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY): """Generates an optimized JPEG from RGB bytes. :param bytes bytes_in: the input image's bytes :param int width: the width of the input image :param int height: the height of the input image :param int quality: the output JPEG quality (default 95) :returns: Optimized JPEG bytes :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: the given width and height is not coherent with the ``bytes_in`` length. .. code:: python import pyguetzli # 2x2px RGB image # | red | green | image_pixels = b"\\xFF\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xFF\\x00" image_pixels += b"\\x00\\x00\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF" # | blue | white | optimized_jpeg = pyguetzli.process_rgb_bytes(image_pixels, 2, 2) """ if len(bytes_in) != width * height * 3: raise ValueError("bytes_in length is not coherent with given width and height") # noqa bytes_out_p ="char**") bytes_out_p_gc = ffi.gc(bytes_out_p, lib.guetzli_free_bytes) length = lib.guetzli_process_rgb_bytes( bytes_in, width, height, bytes_out_p_gc, quality ) bytes_out = ffi.cast("char*", bytes_out_p_gc[0]) return ffi.unpack(bytes_out, length)