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Using Abitbol

Getting Abitbol

Standalone Version (browser)

To use the standalone version, first download the latest zip or clone the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/wanadev/abitbol.git

Then, just include one of the javascript of the dist/ folder:

<script src="dist/abitbol.js"></script>


To use Abitbol with Node.js (or in the browser using Browserify), first install the library:

npm install --save abitbol

Then require it when needed:

var Class = require("abitbol");

Getting Started

Defining a Class

var Vehicle = Class.$extend({

    __init__: function(color) {
        this.color = color;
        this.speed = 0;

    move: function(speed) {
        this.speed = speed;

    stop: function() {
        this.speed = 0;



var Car = Vehicle.$extend({

    __init__: function(color) {
        this.maxSpeed = 180;

    move: function(speed) {
        speed = Math.min(speed, this.maxSpeed);

    horn: function() {
        alert("BEEP BEEP");


var Truck = Car.$extend({

    __init__: function(color) {
        this.maxSpeed = 90;

    horn: function () {
        alert("HONK HONK");


Using Your Classes

var mustang = new Car("red");

var myTruck = new Truck("blue");
myTruck instanceof Car;           // true

Computed Properties (Getters and Setters)

Abitbol allows you to create computed properties simply by defining getters and setters:

var Person = Class.$extend({

    // This will create the Person.fullName property

    getFullName: function () {
        return this.$data.fullName;

    setFullName: function (value) {
        this.$data.fullName = value;

    // This will create the Person.age property

    getAge: function () {
        return this.$data.age;

    setAge: function (value) {
        this.$data.age = value;

    // This will create the read-only Person.old property

    isOld: function () {
        return (this.age > 75);

    // This will create the read-only Person.woodenLeg property

    hasWoodenLeg: function () {
        return (this.fullName == "Long John Silver");

and playing with those properties is straightforward:

var george = new Person();

george.fullName = "George Abitbol";
george.age = 50;

console.log(george.fullName);       // "George Abitbol"
console.log(george.getFullName());  // "George Abitbol"
console.log(george.old);            // false
console.log(george.isOld());        // false


console.log(george.old);            // true


Abitbol classes support annotations. To add annotations, just define them in non-assigned strings at the top of the function:

var MyClass = Class.$extend({
    myMethod: function () {
        "@annotation1 value";

        // ... Method's code here

The annotations are accessible through the Class.$map object:


// {
//     annotation1: "value",
//     annotation2: true
// }

WARNING when using minification: Since v3.4, UglifyJS has a new compress option, directives, that is enabled by default when compressor is enabled. This option breaks Abitbol annotations (it removes the annotations in the minified version of the code). You should disabled it if you want to use annotations. ex: uglifyjs index.js --compress directives=false