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Quick Start

Enlight'me is a very simple static site generator that can help you to build your application / library documentation easily. This document will show you the basics to generate your first Enlight'me site in only 5 minutes.

Installing Enlight'me

First of all, install Enlight'me on your computer (we assume you have already installed Node.js and NPM):

npm install -g enlightme

That's it for the installation.

Creating Your First Enlight'me Site

Creating your Enlight'me-generated documentation website requires only 3 (short and easy) steps described bellow.

1. Write Some Markdown Files

First of all, you have to write your documentation in the Markdown format:

  • Create a doc/ folder at the root of your project,
  • Write some Markdown files in it,
  • and you're done!


    +-- doc/
    |   |
    |   o-- index.md
    |   |
    |   o-- quick-start.md
    o-- package.json

2. Generate The site

To generate the HTML version of your site, just type the following command:


The generated content is created in the doc.generated/ folder, located at the root of your project.

TIP: you can add this folder to your .gitignore file to avoid committing it accidentally.

3. Publish to Github Pages

Publishing the site on your Github Pages can be done with the following command:

enlightme publish

Your site is now online. Wow, way too easy isn't it?