Thank you for your interest in YOGA. You will find here all useful information to contribute.
If you have any question, you can
chat with us on Discord,
or open an issue on Github.
YOGA does not work? Please open an issue on Github with as much information as possible:
How you installed YOGA (Git, PyPI, Static build,…),
What is your operating system / Linux distribution (and its version),
All the error messages outputted by YOGA,
Pull Requests
Please consider filing a bug before starting to work on a new feature. This will allow us to discuss the best way to do it. This is, of course, not necessary if you just want to fix some typo in the documentation or small errors in the code.
Please note that your code must pass tests and follow the coding style defined by the pep8. The code of this project is automatically checked by Flake8 and the coding style is enforced using Black.
Packaging YOGA
Build Dependencies
You will need the following dependencies to build YOGA:
GCC with C++ 11 support
GNU Make
Python >= 3.8 (with headers)
Python setuptools
Python CFFI
On Debian and Ubuntu this can be installed with the following command:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-cffi
Downloading the sources
Please download the source from PyPI, not from Github (Assimp sources are missing from Github tarballs):<VERSION>.tar.gz
tar -xvzf yoga-1.0.0.tar.gz
cd yoga-1.0.0
Building YOGA
Use the following command to build YOGA:
python3 build
Installing YOGA
If your build folder is "/tmp/my-package"
, you can install YOGA into it using the following command:
python3 install --prefix=/tmp/my-package/usr --optimize=1 --skip-build
Developing YOGA
If you want to contribute to the YOGA development, you will find here all useful information to start. Please note that this guide assume you are using Linux as operating system and a POSIX shell (like Bash or ZSH).
Programming languages used in this project:
Python (3.8 to 3.12)
CFFI: C/Python binding
imagequant: Color quantization (to reduce number of colors in an image)
mozjpeg-lossless-optimization: Lossless JPEG optimization
Pillow: Image processing library
PyGuetzli: JPEG optimization
ZopfliPy: PNG optimization
Development tools:
Sphinx: Static documentation generator
Installing Prerequisite
On Linux, you will need to install Python, cmake and the GCC toolchain to build the C++ part of YOGA. On Debian / Ubuntu, this can be achieved with the following command:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python-setuptools
On Windows you will need to install Python, cmake and Visual Studio Build
Tools (MSVC and MSBuild) and have them available in your PATH. You may find some more information in the winbuild/
folder of the YOGA repository:
Creating a Virtualenv
While not mandatory, using a virtualenv is highly recommended to avoid installing dependencies everywhere on your system and to ensure using the right version of the dependencies.
To create the virtualenv, you can use the following command:
python3 -m venv __env__
This should create a __env__/
folder in the current directory. This is where dependencies will be installed.
Once the virtualenv created, you have to activate it with the following command:
source __env__/bin/activate
This should prefix your prompt with (__env__)
To leave the virtualenv, just type the following command:
If you want to go back in the virtualenv, you will only need to execute the
"source __env__/bin/activate"
command again.
Installing the Python Dependencies
To install the development dependencies, just run the following command (with your virtualenv activated):
pip install -r
Building the C++ Part of YOGA
Building Assimp
You will first need to build assimp, the library used by YOGA to handle 3D models. This can be done with the following command (with your virtualenv activated):
python build
You will not need to run this command again, until you make some
modification in the Assimp sources (assimp/
Building the YOGA C++ module
To build the YOGA C++ module, run the following command (with your virtualenv activated):
python yoga/model/
This will generate a .so
file (for Linux; on Windows this will be
a .pyd
file instead) in the yoga/model/
You will not need to run this command again, until you modify the
and yoga/model/assimp.h
Linting and Testing
You can check for lint and coding style errors with the following command:
nox -s lint
If Black reports you coding style errors, you can automatically fix them with this command:
nox -s black_fix
To run the tests use:
nox -s test
To run the tests only for a specific Python version, you can use following commands (the corresponding Python interpreter must be installed on your machine):
nox -s test-3.9
nox -s test-3.10
nox -s test-3.11
nox -s test-3.12
nox -s test-3.13
YOGA tests are very slow to run (especially the ones related to the image optimization). If you want to run only specific tests, you can run them using pytest:
pytest -v test/
Building the Documentation
This documentation is build using Sphinx.
You will first have to install nox:
pip3 install nox
Then you can run the following command:
nox -s gendoc
Updating ASSIMP
ASSIMP is the C++ library used by YOGA to manipulate 3D models. To update it, first check the latest version tag on the project’s repo :
Then go to the assimp subfolder and checkout the latest release tag:
cd assimp/
git fetch
git checkout vX.Y.Z
cd ..
Then, run tests to ensure YOGA still work:
nox -s test
Finally, check we are still able to build a wheel from the sdist package:
nox -s test_build_wheel
If the build fails because of a missing file, add it in