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Obsidian API Example

Here is a complete example that shows interaction between the application and its integration through the API.

Application-Side Javascript

"use strict";

var ObsidianApi = require("obsidian-api");

var MyApi = ObsidianApi.$extend({

    simpleMethod: function(a, b) {
        "@api";                                                   // allows to call this method from the integration side
        if (typeof a != "number" || typeof b != "number") {
            throw new Error("NotANumber");
        return a + b;                                             // return of a simple result (will be passed as return
                                                                  // value to the integration-side caller)

    asyncMethodUsingCallback: function(a, b, callback) {          // callback = function(error, result) {}
        if (typeof a != "number" || typeof b != "number") {
            callback(new Error("NotANumber"));
        } else {
            callback(null, a + b);                                // null as first param means "no error"

    asyncMethodUsingPromise: function(a, b) {
        var promise = sommeFunctionThatReturnsAPromise(a, b);
        return promise;                                           // by returning a promise, the API will wait for the promise
                                                                  // to be resolved and then return the result to the integration

// Get the configuration provided by the integration
var config = MyApi.$getConfig();

// Instantiate the API
var api = new MyApi();

// Hot plug of new API methods (allows components to dynamically extend the API)
api.addApiMethod("myMethod", function() {});

// Tells the integration that the app is ready

// Send an event to the integration
api.sendEvent("eventName", "param1", "param2");

Integration-side Javascript

var obsidianApp = require("obsidian-api/lib/integration");

// Start the application
var app = obsidianApp({
    htmlNode: "#integration-div",              // Query selector or HTMLElement that will be the parent of the iframe
    appUrl: "http://example.com/",             // The URL of the application
    config: {}                                 // Optional config that will be passed to the application

// Do stuff when the application is ready
app.on("ready", function() {

    // Call remote methods (using node-like callbacks to get the response)

    app.simpleMethod(1, 2, function(error, result) {
        console.log(result);   // -> 3

    app.asyncMethodUsingCallback(1, 2, function(error, result) {
        console.log(result);   // -> 3

    // Call a remote method using promises to get the result

    app.simpleMethod(1, 2)
        .then(function(result) {
            console.log(result);  // -> 3
        .catch(function(error) {

// Register a callback to an API event
app.on("eventName", function(param1, param2) {
    // do stuff here...

NOTE: If you are not using Browserify on the integration-side, you can also use the pre-built version of the integration script available here:

Example using the pre-built integration script:

<div id="integration-div"></div>
<script src="./js/integration.js"></script>
    var app = obsidianApp({
        htmlNode: "#integration-div",
        appUrl: "http://example.com/",
        config: {}
