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Integration-Side API

Integrating an Obsidian Web Application

Obsidian Applications are integrated in a web page using an <iframe/> that will be automatically created by the integration script.

The first thing to do is to add an element in the page that will contain this iframe:

<div id="obsidian-app"></div>

Then you have to include the integration script. If you are using Browserify, you can require the script from the obsidian-api npm package:

var obsidianApp = require("obsidian-api/lib/integration");

Otherwise you can include the static build of the integration script in your HTML page:

<script src="js/integration.js"></script>

NOTE: The integration script is the same for any Obsidian Application you integrate, it is completely generic: the application will push its API into your integration through this script.

Finally the minimal code to start the application is the following:

var app = obsidianApp({
    htmlNode: "#obsidian-app",
    appUrl: "http://myapp.example.com/"


  • htmlNode is the HTMLElement (or a query selector that matches the element) where the iframe will be created,
  • appUrl is the root URL of the application.

That's it.

Listening to API Events

Before we start talking about API methods, we have to speak about API Events. Obsidian Application are able to send events, with or without parameters, to the integration.

Listening to those events is easy:

app.on("eventName", function(param1, param2) {
    // ...

The "ready" event

Each Obsidian Application has their own set of events, but there is one standard event that every application will always call: the ready event.

This event is called when the application is fully loaded and the API is ready to answer requests. So you will have to wait for this event before querying the API:

api.on("ready", function() {
    // You can now call API methods here.

Calling API Methods

Simple Method Call

Calling an API method without getting any result nor handling errors is quite simple:

api.myApiMethod("param1", "param2");

NOTE: No methods should be called before receiving the ready event from the API.

Getting Return Value / Handling Errors

Obsidian API method calls are asynchronous. So to get result or handle errors we have two choices:

Using Callbacks

What we call Node-like callbacks here are callbacks that can take up to two parameters:

  • an error parameter first,
  • and an optional result parameter next.

So a classic Node-like callback looks like this:

function callback(error, result) {
    // ...

To use callbacks to get the method result or handling errors, just pass the callback function after the method's parameters:

api.myApiMethod("param2", "param2", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error here...
    } else {
        // Use the result here...

Using Promises

Obsidian API allows you to use promises instead of callbacks to handle the method's result and to handle errors:

api.myApiMethod("param1", "param2")
    .then(function(result) {
        // Use the result here...
    .catch(function(error) {
        // Handle error here...
    .done();  // Always finish the promise chain with .done()
              // to let the uncaught error be thrown.

Sending Configuration To The Application

Finally, you can send a configuration object to the application when you declare it:

var app = obsidianApp({
    htmlNode: "#obsidian-app",
    appUrl: "http://myapp.example.com/",
    config: {
        option: "value",
        lang: "fr_FR",
        // ...

Complete Example:

You can find a more complete example that contains both application-side and integration-side code here.