Scheduled Tasks (cron)

Tu automatically run scheduled tasks we will use cron.

To configure them, first, login as pontoon:

su pontoon

then edit the cron configuration using the following command:

crontab -e

Once done, you can leave from the pontoon shell using the exit command.

Automatic Synchronization

To enable automatic synchronization you just have to call the debian/ script at the desired interval.

For example, you can add the following line to run the synchronization every hour:

0 * * * * /opt/pontoon/current/debian/

For more information, read the crontab documentation.


If you installed Pontoon in at a custom location or if your virtualenv is not named __env__, you will have to modify the debian/ script.

Other scheduled tasks

You can also fetch other tasks mentioned on the Pontoon documentation. A script is provided for each tasks:

  • debian/

  • debian/

  • debian/

  • debian/

  • debian/

  • debian/

  • debian/

For example, to have insights be fetched at the start of each day:

0 6 * * * /opt/pontoon/current/debian/


If you installed Pontoon in at a custom location or if your virtualenv is not named __env__, you will have to modify the scripts!