
In this section we will see how to install and configure Pontoon. The main paths and users involved in the installation are:

  • pontoon user: the system user that will run Pontoon.

  • /opt/pontoon/current: the path where the latest Pontoon version will be installed with all its dependencies self-contained in a virtualenv.

  • /var/opt/pontoon: the path where the Pontoon’s data will be stored (cloned repositories, SSH keys,…)

  • /etc/opt/pontoon.env: the path of the Pontoon’s configuration file.

Feel free the change those paths to fit your requirements but be aware that this manual and the sample configurations provided with it assume they are left unchanged.

Installing Pontoon

System Preparation

First we have to create the pontoon user that will be used to run Pontoon:

useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash -d /var/opt/pontoon pontoon

And we install some system dependencies:

apt install git build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-venv postgresql-server-dev-all

Then we create the /opt/pontoon folder that we will need for the installation and go into it:

mkdir /opt/pontoon
cd /opt/pontoon

Downloading and Extracting Pontoon

Now we can download the latest version of the Pontoon Debian’s releases (you can, of course, use your own builds here). You will find the releases on Github:

To download a release on the server you can use wget:

wget https://github.com/wanadev/pontoon-debian/releases/download/vXXXX.XX.XX.X/pontoon_XXXX.XX.XX.X.tar.gz

Once downloaded, we can extract the archive:

tar -xvzf pontoon_XXXX.XX.XX.X.tar.gz

This will extract a folder named pontoon-XXXX.XX.XX.X.

We will now make a symbolic link named current that points on it in order to always have /opt/pontoon/current pointing on the latest Pontoon version:

ln -s pontoon-XXXX.XX.XX.X/ current

Virtualenv Creation and Activation

Now we will create the virtualenv where all Pontoon’s dependencies will be installed.

First we go in the Pontoon’s installation directory:

cd /opt/pontoon/current

Then we create the virtualenv:

python3 -m venv __env__

Once the virtualenv created, we should “activate” it to use it. This can be achieved with the following command:

source __env__/bin/activate

If the virtualenv was successfully activated, your prompt should now be prefixed by (__env__).


Later in this manual, you will have to run commands with this virtualenv activated. You will just have to repeat the cd /etc/pontoon/current && source __env__/bin/activate commands to do achieve this.


If you want to leave the virtualenv, just use the deactivate command. You will be able to activate it again with the cd /opt/pontoon/current && source __env__/bin/activate commands.

Installing Pontoon’s Dependencies

To install the dependencies, you should run the following commands from within the virtualenv (see above).

First we will update pip, the Python’s package manager (with an older pip version, you may have to compile additional dependencies or have wrong dependency resolution):

pip install --upgrade pip

Then we can install Pontoon’s dependencies with ONE of the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt        # Python >= 3.11
pip install -r requirements.py310.txt  # Python 3.10 (Ubuntu 22.04)


Since Python 3.12, you also need to install setuptools by hand in the virtualenv:

pip install setuptools  # Python >= 3.12 (Ubuntu 24.04)

Temporary Fix: The “media” Folder

Despite a configurable path for the media folder, Pontoon currently stores its data in a media/ folder next to its pontoon/ folder. To avoid having data in the /opt directory, we will make a symbolic link to store the data in /var:

mkdir /var/opt/pontoon/media
chown pontoon:pontoon /var/opt/pontoon/media
ln -s /var/opt/pontoon/media /opt/pontoon/current/media
chown pontoon:pontoon /opt/pontoon/current/media

This may be fixed in the future. :)

Configuring Pontoon

Now that Pontoon is installed, we will configure it.

We made a sample configuration file that is available in the debian/ folder. You can copy it into the /etc/opt folder with the following command:

cp /opt/pontoon/current/debian/pontoon.env /etc/opt

Minimal Configuration

To allow Pontoon to run, you will have to configure at least the following settings:

  • SITE_URL: The base URL for the Pontoon installation. Please note that the use of TLS (HTTPS) is not optional.


  • SECRET_KEY: A random key that will be used to encrypt cookies. If this key is changed, all session cookies will be invalidated.




    Do not copy the example key. Your key MUST REMAIN SECRET!

  • DATABASE_URL: The URL containing all the information to connect to the database. It is composed as follow:




Git SSH Configuration

If you are using Git, you will have to create and configure an SSH key to allow Pontoon to clone and push to your repositories.

We will proceed with the following steps:

  1. create an SSH key for Pontoon,

  2. configure Pontoon to use it,

  3. create a user for Pontoon on the Git server,

  4. configure its public key,

  5. initiate the first connection between our server and the Git server.

First we can create the Pontoon’s SSH key with the following command:

su pontoon -c "ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519"

You should now have two files in /var/opt/pontoon/.ssh:

  • id_ed25519: The private SSH key that will be used locally by Git,

  • id_ed25519.pub: The public key you will have to configure on your Git server (GitLab, GitHub,…).

To allow Git to use our newly generated key we should uncomment and configure the GIT_SSH_COMMAND setting in the /etc/opt/pontoon.env file:

GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -v -i /var/opt/pontoon/.ssh/id_ed25519"

Then you will have to create an user on you Git server (GitLab, GitHub,…) and to add the Pontoon’s public SSH key (/var/opt/pontoon/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub) to it.

Once the user created and the key added, you should initiate a first SSH connection to the Git server to add it to the known hosts:

su pontoon
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 git@git.example.org


  • git@git.example.org is your Git server user and host.

SSH should ask you if you are sure that you want to connect to this server… Just answer by typing yes<Enter>:

The authenticity of host 'git.example.org (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?


If now the server is asking you for a password, that means the public key is not well configured on the user.

You can now leave from the pontoon using the exit command.

Other Configurations

There are a lot of other configurations you will want to set. You will find them all in the sample configuration file:

You will also find some information in Pontoon’s manual:


If you are using Mercurial or SVN, please consider contributing this manual.

Populating the Database

We can now populate the database with Pontoon’s tables and data.

To populate the database, you should be in the Pontoon’s installation folder (/opt/pontoon/current) and have its virtualenv activated. This can be achieved with the following commands:

cd /opt/pontoon/current && source __env__/bin/activate

You should also define the DOTENV_PATH environment variable with the path to the Pontoon’s configuration:

export DOTENV_PATH=/etc/opt/pontoon.env

Once this is done, just run the following command to populate the database:

python manage.py migrate

Creating the Initial Administrator User

Now that the database is ready, we can create the first administrator user.


You should be in the Pontoon’s installation folder, with is virtualenv activated, and you should have the DOTENV_PATH environment variable defined like in the previous step.

To create the user, simply run the following command:

python manage.py createsuperuser --user=admin --email=admin@example.org


  • admin is the name of the user,

  • admin@example.org is the email of the user¹.


¹ If you want to use local django accounts, you can put your real email here.

If you plan to use an alternative authentication method (fxa, github, gitlab, google,…) DO NOT put the email addresse of a future user here, else he will not be able to login; you can just put a random email addresse for this administrator account, it will never be used anyway.